Haiti sale adelante // Haiti gets ahead

by America Solidaria
Haiti sale adelante // Haiti gets ahead


Como America Solidaria, y con la cooperacion de otras organizaciones en el territorio, queremos lograr la meta de enviar 1.000 kits de supervivencia a las familias mas afectadas por el terremoto. Y para lograrla, tu participacion es fundamental! // As America Solidaria, and with the cooperation of other organizations in the territory, we want to achieve the goal of sending 1,000 survival kits to the families most affected by the earthquake. And to achieve it, your participation is essential!

total raised
monthly donors


Ayudar a las comunidades mas afectadas por el ultimo terremoto del 14 de agosto en Haiti, mediante el aporte de kits de supervivencia a mas de 1.000 familias. // To help the communities most affected by the last earthquake of August 14 in Haiti, by providing survival kits to more than 1,000 families.


Esta campana nos permitira garantizar una adecuada nutricion, higiene y entretenimiento a las familias mas vulneradas de las zonas mas danadas por el terremoto. // This campaign will allow us to guarantee proper nutrition, hygiene and entertainment for the most vulnerable families in the areas most damaged by the earthquake.

Long-Term Impact

Nuestra meta es entregar 1.000 kits de alimentacion y productos de higiene y entretencion a las comunidades mas afectadas por el reciente terremoto en Haiti. // Our goal is to deliver 1,000 food kits and hygiene and entertainment products to the communities most affected by the recent earthquake in Haiti.


Organization Information

America Solidaria

Location: Providencia, Santiago - Chile
Project Leader:
Alexander Paucar Rodriguez
Santiago , Chile

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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