Approximately 1,000 Children with disabilities and others disadvantaged children of District: Jamalpur in BANGLADESH will directly benefit from this project. The disabled children will get education, health services ,Wheel-chairs, Treatment & medical support, also get different ability and skills. involved in various "income generating activities , relief & rehabilitation support to any disaster period, ".
About 10% people are disabled in BANGLADESH & the rate of prevalence is increasing rapidly .Many NGOs are working for the development of disabled people. Most of these based on urban areas.But rural disabled people have no access to the existing services.They are facing Hardcore poverty,illiteracy and lack of awareness.They are viewed as a burden by the society & do not have access to existing Community school, public places and community. Around 11,000 people will be benefited from this project
PROSHIPS, provide them Special-need education program , Necessary assistive devices,Community Based Specific Rehabilitation therapy, school based Treatment & Medical support & Vocational training /Income Generating Activities. Parents of these children, teachers & local leaders trained on Disability issues & child rights.
About 1,000 Disabled children & disadvantaged children will get educational support, Assistive device, Therapy service & medical support as their needs which helps them for become Self dependent & Productive. Adult disabled person's are skilled on IGAs by this project and they are contributing poverty reduction in their family and will be increase livelihoods conditions. Thus Long term impact of this project will directly contribute on poverty reduction.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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