Give 35 families food security in Uganda

by Act4Africa
Give 35 families food security in Uganda
Give 35 families food security in Uganda
Give 35 families food security in Uganda
Give 35 families food security in Uganda
Give 35 families food security in Uganda
Give 35 families food security in Uganda
Give 35 families food security in Uganda
Give 35 families food security in Uganda
Give 35 families food security in Uganda
Give 35 families food security in Uganda
Give 35 families food security in Uganda
Give 35 families food security in Uganda


This proven 'Grains for Growth' project will improve food security for subsistence families in rural Uganda. Our experienced team provide women with essential agronomy training and grain storage equipment. They learn to properly dry their meagre harvest & store it in airtight containers, reducing grain loss from around 30% to almost zero. The whole family's nutrition improves; the women's own income increases through crop sales; and they can afford vital medicine & education for their families.

total goal
monthly donor


Poverty is chronically high in rural Mayuge district. 74% of the population rely on subsistence farming. Due to gender inequalities, women & girls constitute most of the poor. Their plots are small & the yields are low. Poor storage of crops after harvest causes further loss due to infestation & contamination by rats & dangerous fungi. This fragile food chain affects all & leads to malnutrition, even death, in babies & young children. The COVID-19 crisis has dramatically worsened this situation.


The training methods & equipment were developed by the World Food Programme and are proven to reduce food poverty. Act4Africa are trusted by the community & will introduce the new ways to women farmers & support them. Women receive training in drying crops effectively & are provided with airtight storage bags/silos, preventing losses of up to 50% of their harvest. Women's knowledge increases and the family have a safe, secure supply of food for use, or to sell at higher prices, later in the year

Long-Term Impact

At least half of Ugandan women are engaged in small scale farming, any wastage of the harvest can tip a family deeper into poverty. This project will improve food security for 35 families. It will allow for better nutrition, especially the most vulnerable children under 5, reducing the risk of stunted development, poor educational attainment, & reduced employment opportunities in adult life, thus breaking the cycle of deprivation. The women will disseminate good practice to the wider community.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information


Location: Sale, Greater Manchester - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @ACT4AFRICA
Project Leader:
patrick kigongo
Altrincham , Cheshire United Kingdom
$6,858 raised of $10,500 goal
117 donations
$3,642 to go
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