GlobalGiving Forward Fund

by GlobalGiving
GlobalGiving Forward Fund
GlobalGiving Forward Fund
GlobalGiving Forward Fund
GlobalGiving Forward Fund
GlobalGiving Forward Fund
GlobalGiving Forward Fund
GlobalGiving Forward Fund
GlobalGiving Forward Fund


You can help move communities around the world forward. The most promising solutions to the world's most pressing problems lie within communities, but these solutions are overlooked and underfunded. GlobalGiving exists to end this inequity, and your support is vital.

total goal
monthly donor


It's past time to transform the way aid and philanthropy work for people around the world. Billions of dollars are devoted to international aid every year, yet a tiny fraction reaches local change leaders. Together, we can reverse this reality and put communities in the driver's seat of change.


Your gift to the Forward Fund will help GlobalGiving create 3x more impact, more equitably, for communities in need around the world. This is our 2030 Ambition. With your help, we will disrupt the status quo in aid and philanthropy, put local voices in the lead, and pave the way to lasting change for all.

How Your Donation Will Be Used

When you donate to the Forward Fund, your donation will help GlobalGiving:

  • Modernize: Your donation will help us create tools to even the playing field for grassroots nonprofits and inspire more donors in more places to give.
  • Optimize: Your donation will help us better reach local leaders and chronically underserved communities who are best positioned to drive change.
  • Innovate: Your donation will help us forge transformative partnerships and innovate to disrupt the status quo in aid and philanthropy.

Trusted and Reliable

GlobalGiving is one of the most reliable and trustworthy charities in the world. We have a four-star rating and nearly perfect score from Charity Navigator due to our stability, efficiency, sustainability, and commitment to transparency, in addition to accreditation from the BBB Wise Giving Alliance. Our work has been featured by The New York Times, Associated Press, NPR, Washington Post, Oprah, ABC News, and the US State Department.

GlobalGiving's Track Record

Since 2002, GlobalGiving has supported thousands of local change leaders, delivering nearly $1 billion to 37,000 charitable projects in 175+ countries. Together with nearly two million donors, we've been able to grow support for grassroots solutions by almost threefold. Our decades-long record of advancing community-led solutions has made a difference in the most trying times, through wars, famines, and the pandemic.

Ready to help communities move forward? Contact us at to discuss how you, your company, or your foundation can reach your philanthropic goals with an investment in the Forward Fund.


Organization Information


Location: Washington, D.C. - USA
EIN: 30-0108263

Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @GlobalGiving
Project Leader:
Victoria Vrana
Washington , District of Columbia United States
$7,563,624 raised of $10,000,000 goal
9,834 donations
$2,436,376 to go
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