Write Our World offers a digital library of bilingual ebooks by kids for kids focused on youth empowerment and cultural preservation. These books are written and orally recorded in two languages and include original illustrations and photos. With a current inventory of 180 books in 27 languages, our growing collection of authentic educational materials is a resource for teachers and students around the world to learn with and from each other.
Schools worldwide face many challenges in serving a growing demographic of immigrant and refugee children. One challenge is accessing primary language resources in low incidence languages. Students prosper from using culturally-relevant reading material to build literacy in their native languages. Another challenge is finding ways to engage community members and teachers with skills in language development, technology integration and connecting their students with others internationally.
When students integrate their native language into a classroom taught in a dominant language, it empowers and validates them as learners. Writing and orally recording ebooks teaches skills in all language domains (reading, writing, speaking and listening), develops literacy, 21st century skills and more. Readers of these books are exposed to other walks of life, building global awareness and multicultural understanding.
As more youth engage in our library, our inventory of ebooks will grow and diversify. Our goal is to continue to develop a diverse array of teacher resources applicable to classrooms, after school programs, family and community engagement programs and more for practitioners around the globe. Migrant children will have greater academic success through access to culturally-relevant education, and become empowered, engaged global citizens.