Act4Africa brings vulnerable adolescent mothers together in rural Uganda to form tight peer groups & receive mental well-being support and training on gender equality, sexual, reproductive & maternal health & sustainable livelihoods. They learn vital life-skills including assertiveness and decision-making and learn about their rights on key issues such as sexual abuse. They learn practical skills and receive enterprise training and support to use their skills to access an independent income.
In Mayuge District, many teenage girls fall pregnant through rape or due to lack of reproductive health education. Outcast by society and lacking in education, adolescent mothers and their children live in extreme poverty. Stigma, gender inequality and lack of family support lead to unemployment and low self-esteem. At risk of sexual exploitation and HIV/AIDS, with poor mental health and complex needs, these are the most marginalised and vulnerable individuals in this impoverished community.
Young mothers, aged 14-24, are formed into tight peer groups to receive mental well-being support, gain life-skills & knowledge about their health & gender rights. They learn practical skills, business & enterprise knowledge. The girls grow in self-esteem & become confident & healthy mothers with the means to support themselves and their children. The untapped potential of these girls is released through the provision of comprehensive training & mentoring.
Through support, training and economic empowerment, our program will enable young mothers to fulfil positive roles in their communities and aspire to higher paid jobs, leadership positions and sexual equality. They will protect themselves against HIV/AIDS and live longer healthier lives, raising healthy, educated children. Their empowerment will impact upon their families and future generations and provide a basis for sustainable development and a brighter future for their communities.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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