Project Report
| Feb 6, 2013
First Generation Girls Going to School in 11 Rurual Villages
By Jen Beckstead | Executive Director
Dear Supporter,
700 girls are enrolled in 11 elementary schools this year due to the Ouelessebougou Alliance's involvement and the donors that have made it all happen! Our staff and board continue to have so much hope for the village children in 11 rural villages. Unlike their parents, these children have access to a school, teachers, and quality learning. The Ouelessebougou Alliance began its role in education in the early 90's. At that point few villages had an education program and the idea of sending girls to school was uncommon and unrealistic. Our partnership with the Mali Ministry of Education over the years has been a great benefit to the teachers in our schools. Our teachers have made great progress over the years as they have learned to transition from corporal punishment and rote memorization techniques to participatory learning in the classroom.
This year it costs just $20 to give a girl the opportunity to go to school, learn from a trained teacher, and have the supplies needed for quality education!
Thanks for your support of this important and progressive initiative!
Jen Beckstead
Executive Director
Sep 26, 2012
School in Session October 1st!
By Jennifer Beckstead | Executive Director
![Girls look forward to an education in Mali]()
Girls look forward to an education in Mali
Dear project sponsors,
There is one week in counting until school starts in 11 rural villages in the Ouelessebougou region. Each of the 11 villages where we have education programs didn't even have a school, a teacher, or a student until the Ouelessebougou Alliance began its education program in 2004. In fact it was not long ago when girls didn't even get the chance to go to school. We are excited to continue our support of education councils as they work hard to improve the education programs in their villages. We are excited to continue our support of 800 children by providing them with books, chalkboards, and other supplies--giving them a good learning experience. And, we are excited to support teachers by providing them with new curriculum books--giving them the ability to improve their teaching skills.
We have seen much progress since we began our educational programs nearly 10 years ago. Over the past five years villages have taken ownership and accountability for the payment of teachers' salaries and for the maintenance of schools. It is now expected that girls--just as boys--attend school. What progress! And, this year will be no important step in the lives of 800 boys and girls.
Thank you for your support!
- Ouelessebougou Alliance Staff and Village Partners
Apr 4, 2012
236 Students Graduating Next Month!
By Jen Beckstead | Executive Director
April 3, 2012
Last month I had the opportunity to travel to Ouelessebougou and visit many schools in-session. I was reminded of the incredible changes that have taken place since I became involved with the Ouelessebougou Alliance in 2003. Even ten years ago it was not common for girls to go to school because their mothers expected them to work in the fields or help raise their siblings. The perspective of mothers has changed a lot in a short amount of time--mothers now realize the importance of providing an education for their daughters. Next month 236 boys and girls will graduate from 6th grade. 87 of those graduates will be girls! Almost none of their mothers had the same opportunity to go to school that they have had over the past six years. Now, mothers are attending our adult-literacy programs, so education keeps moving forward for all ages!
Thank you for taking part in such an important work! Educating just one child will no-doubt educate families for generations.