Trinity Care Foundation has been providing free surgeries for Cleft children who hail from the poorest sections of society in Karnataka State since 2007, also providing the children with speech therapy and further treatments. Your donation helps to provide free reconstructive surgeries and emotional counseling to support these children and their families during the Covid19 Crisis.
The birth rate in India for cleft deformities is a staggering 1 in every 700 infants born . In a country like India where a large portion of the rural population still believes in superstitions, people consider children with cleft lip deformity to be bad luck and some even consider them cursed. They are often forbidden from attending school, playing with other children and even barred from leaving their homes. The Project will provide free surgeries to 75 underprivileged children.
Trinity Care Foundation will provide free reconstructive surgeries and emotional counseling to support these 75 underprivileged cleft children and their families.
The project will help 75 Cleft children to go to school with confidence and self-esteem after their surgeries and treatments. The children will have less chances of getting bullied and traumatized. The families of these children will have confidence to bring up their Cleft children.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).