The Syrian conflict began almost 7 years ago. Jordan has received over 600,000, Lebanon more than 1 million. GHNI staff in both countries are working to offer dignity to families seeking safety. Providing immediate shelter, food and water, as well as hygiene items often launches healing for those who have seen such horrific actions and experienced unspeakable trauma. Our staff are trained to provide a helping hand while refugees work to rebuild in a new country, finding ways to make a home.
100's of thousands of refugees flooded into Jordan and Lebanon over the past five to six years. Many are still living in limbo - in tents, working together to make their makeshift community into a home for their children. Traumatized by terror, these families are simply seeking a hand-up to begin again. Children are in need of education - many of the children have been out of school for as many as five years. Imagine missing 2nd through 7th grade. Food and water are often hard to find.
Working alongside refugees, our teams offer training and support for the communities of refugees to find sustainable resources meeting the five key needs of all humans - Water, Food, Wellness, Education, and Income. In one GHNI community of refugees, a well has been dug, women are learning skills for trade products and children are provided tutors to help them learn again. We will expand this coaching and training to other communities as they work to re-settle in a new country.
Children who learn, become educated adults who have the ability to contribute to this region and to the world. Offering the hope of food, shelter, and water, creates a security level where healing can begin. Empowering families to build water solutions (wells), create education solutions and provide wellness needs (latrines), leads to confidence and additional hope. Gardening is often encouraged to provide fresh and healthy food, then education is implemented for income generating skills.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).