Free services to children affected by cancer

by Hong Kong Cancer Fund
Free services to children affected by cancer
Free services to children affected by cancer
Free services to children affected by cancer
Free services to children affected by cancer
Free services to children affected by cancer
Free services to children affected by cancer
Free services to children affected by cancer
Free services to children affected by cancer


The Rainbow Club is a free service for children aged 4-17 whose parents are diagnosed with cancer. Through professional psychosocial support we ensure that the children are well cared for to cope with changes in the family as a result of cancer. We help improve communication and build resilience as they face the challenges, so as to minimize their emotional distress. The programme is conducted by professionals including clinical psychologist, art therapist, play therapist and social workers.

total raised
monthly donors


Cancer affects the entire family. Cancer is not an easy subject to talk about and many parents avoid the topic that they will scare their children, making things worse. However, when someone in the family is diagnosed with cancer and it's not talked about, a child's fear, anxiety or sadness will only increase. They could feel lonely, depressed and frustrated. Children need a professional explain to them by in a language they can understand and receive support to cope, just like adults.


It is estimated that over 2,000 children may be living with parent with cancer in Hong Kong (Hong Kong Cancer Registry 2017 & Census and Statistics Department 2017). Since its inception in 2011, the Rainbow Club has helped over a thousand children with a close family member touched by cancer. In 2018-2019, 52 programmes were offered to 864 users (parents and children).

Long-Term Impact

To reduce psychological distress of children and their adult caregivers who are diagnosed with cancer at various points of the cancer journey To assist the family to restore normal functioning by providing resources, communication opportunities, and professional support Develop the resilience of children and parents. Build social connection and promote understanding of the needs of these children in the community.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Hong Kong Cancer Fund

Location: Hong Kong, n/a - Hong Kong SAR
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @HK_CancerFund
Project Leader:
HKCF Marketing Team
Hong Kong , n/a Hong Kong SAR

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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