The goal of this project is to perform 3000 Free Surgeries of poor people suffering from preventable blindness or vision problems due to Cataract, especially those living in under-developed areas of Pakistan. We strive to address preventable blindness in poor people by performing Free Cataract Surgeries at Free Eye Camps in rural and suburban areas of country and at our Hospitals. This strategy resolves this issue completely and has an impact on the lives of the beneficiaries almost immediately.
A cataract is the clouding of the lens in the eye which leads to a decrease in vision. Cataracts cause half of all cases of blindness and 33% of visual impairment worldwide. According to a study published in the British Journal of Ophthalmology, an estimated 570,000 individuals are bilaterally blind from cataract in Pakistan. Unfortunately, the cost is the most frequently reported barrier to accessing eye care services in Pakistan.
Under this project we provide the following free services: Eye OPD services, biometry for the assessment of lens required for surgery, Cataract Surgery, post-op medicines and follow-up visits. All the services mentioned are provided at our designated Hospitals and at our Free Eye camps which are arranged throughout Pakistan, especially targeting the rural and suburban areas of the country which are poverty-stricken and where the health facilities are either insufficient or simply unavailable.
The success ratio of the Free Cataract Surgery performed by Al-Mustafa Welfare Society is almost 99%. The vision-specific and generic health-related quality of life of people with cataract who had undergone cataract surgery will improve. People with operated cataract will be more likely to undertake and spent more time on productive activities and will less likely to report receiving assistance with activities.
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