Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action

by Iracambi
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Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action
Forests4Water Brazil: Community Climate Action


If there's one thing that the pandemic has taught us, it's how interdependent we all are, and how what happens in one place can affect others, thousands of miles away. Take rainforests. Home to half of the biodiversity on earth, they store carbon, produce oxygen and play a crucial role in regulating the water cycle and stabilizing weather patterns over huge areas. Global warming demands that we take urgent action to protect and restore the ecosystems on which all our lives depend, starting now.

total goal
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Brazil's Atlantic Rainforest is a treasure house of biological riches, some still unidentified by science. Yet, due to centuries of deforestation, the once mighty forest is now approaching its tipping point. Temperatures are rising, soils are eroding, species are vanishing, and weather patterns are becoming increasingly unpredictable. Previously abundant water is becoming more scarce, and, as the forests dry out, rainfall patterns across the hemisphere will be progressively more disrupted.


The COP26 conference reminds us that one of the quickest, most effective ways to mitigate the effects of climate change is through restoring forests. And the best forest guardians are the local and indigenous communities. Iracambi works with local communities to restore forests and protect water, donating seedlings, planting and maintaining the young forests until they are well established. Our goal is to plant 80,000 trees by the end of 2023. Planting forests for water. Planting water for life.

Long-Term Impact

Restoring ecosystems demands awareness raising, people power, time, energy and money. As degraded land regenerates and young forests grow they provide the fresh air and pure water that we all crave. They stabilize the climate through storing carbon and increasing rainfall. They improve soil fertility, recuperate springs, enlarge habitat, protect biodiversity, and bring new hope to forest communities - humans, fauna and flora. Good for people, good for the environment and good for the planet.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information


Location: Rosario da Limeira, MG - Brazil
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Luiz Gusmao
Rosario da Limeira , MG Brazil
$329,475 raised of $400,000 goal
6,058 donations
$70,525 to go
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