3.5 million people are suffering from the current food crisis in Niger and are at risk of destroying their means of recovery in order to obtain food now.
In the best of years, survival in Niger is difficult. Most Nigeriens live in a state of chronic food insecurity, especially now in the period before the harvest. The past crop was destroyed by the worst infestation of desert locusts seen in almost two decades; 3.5 million are now suffering from the food crisis. CARE will target households in the hardest-hit regions of Tahoua, Maradi, Diffa, Ziner and Tillabéri.
Purchase bulk food (locally when possible); move food and fodder from warehouses to distribution sites for people and animals; set up therapeutic feeding centers; protect the assets of people so they have the tools to rebuild post-crisis.
Avoid further crisis by providing people with emergency food supplies while also ensuring that people do not sell their land or goods for food and prohibit themselves from economic recovery in the future.
This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Word file (projdoc.doc).