Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena

by Fundacion Bahia y Ecosistemas de Colombia
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Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena
Fight plastic pollution in the bay of Cartagena


This project seeks to generate positive changes in environmental habits of dwellers in the island of Tierra Bomba in order to improve their quality of life and help ward off plastic pollution at sea. How? By empowering local organizations, strengthening environmental education, providing technical assistance for the implementation of "sustainable actions" leading to better use of resources, conservation of ecosystems and biodiversity, reforestation, better residue management and recycling.

total goal
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The island of Tierra Bomba is located 7 minutes away by boat from Cartagena, the most touristically visited city in Colombia. However, its people lack the essential services of water, sewage systems and a dock. Their trash and residues when not well disposed of, always end up at sea and in the Bay of Cartagena. Increasing tourism, lack of proper education and opportunities and poor residue management practices are a problem for the Bay and all dwellers. Visibilization is key to end pollution!


The project will empower community leaders and organizations to implement the residue management plans avoiding an increase of pollution. Local recyclers will be trained, formalized and provided with technical assistance to ensure correct recycling procedures. Environmental education efforts in the community will promote better habits and local awareness. Volunteers brought to the island, besides environmental cleaning, will ensure a wider visibility of the problem.

Long-Term Impact

The project will help educate and empower local communities of over 1500 people to take care of their environment and improve their living conditions. It will serve all the dwellers in Cartagena, Colombia, by contributing to a cleaner plastic free bay and will harvest environmental awareness in the citizens and tourists, who will be able once more to visit the island.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Fundacion Bahia y Ecosistemas de Colombia

Location: Cartagena - Colombia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Diana De la Vega
Cartagena , Colombia
$21,780 raised of $40,000 goal
526 donations
$18,220 to go
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