Project Chicken Soup (PCS) prepares and delivers free, nutritious meals to people in Los Angeles living with cancer, HIV/AIDS and other serious illnesses. Due to their illness, and often living in poverty, many PCS clients are unable to cook for, or obtain food for themselves and are often faced with choosing between rent and food. PCS provides 20 free meals per month to each client ensuring that they always have access to nutritious food which leads to improved health.
Over 63,000 people are living with HIV/AIDS in LA County. Programs like PCS, caring for people hardest hit by HIV/AIDS, cancer and other serious illnesses are struggling with crippling budget cuts. Scientific evidence confirms the importance of medically appropriate nutrition for people with serious illnesses and the role nutrition plays in delaying/preventing the progression to late-stage disease. Food is medicine, and is a critically needed component in treating illness.
Donations support the preparation/delivery of 20 free, nutritious meals - food as medicine - every month to people with serious illnesses. With sufficient resources, PCS will double the number of clients served. Since our inception in 1989, PCS home delivered meals have played a significant role in helping our clients age in place. PCS meals not only improve client health, but provide comfort and a community connection through deliveries made by volunteers that clients have known for years.
Reliable access to nutritious food is a critical treatment component for people living with a serious illness. PCS provides food as medicine - 20 free, nutritious and delicious meals (food that people want to eat) each month to 160 people annually. These home delivered meals improve clients' health, help clients stay out of hospitals and age in place, and reduces isolation, providing a loving connection to the community through regular contacts with PCS delivery volunteers.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).