Covid-19's impact on the economy of Haiti was staggering. OUR ACTION PLAN to impact 1000s of residents: Invest in agriculture by providing seeds,training related to climate change & land/crop management;Invest in economic growth by supporting Local Mutuelles Solidarites (community cooperative financing platforms with affordable interest rates);Develop with women's organizations a soap making small business initiative; Work with local universities such as L'Universite de Jeremie & local students.
In March 2020, Covid-19 brought the world to its knees. In Haiti, where public health systems are grossly inadequate and water is only accessible to a minority, fear spread like a wildfire. Fortunately, the coronavirus was not as devastating as most had feared. Unfortunately, its impact on the economy of the country was staggering, as a vast majority of workers depending on daily wages had to curtail their activities. Extreme hunger, adult and children's malnutrition were the crushing results.
We will: Invest in agriculture by providing seeds, training related to climate change & land/crop management to small farmers; Invest in economic growth by supporting Local Mutuelles Solidarites that are community cooperative financing platforms with affordable interest rates; Develop with women's organizations a soap making small business initiative and a community store that can support income generation; Work with local universities such as L'Universite de Jeremie to involve college students.
Our efforts will help community residents regain their footing. Our goal for 2021 is to raise $50,000 from local & international friends and supporters. Every $ we raise will provide a match to a grant from the Inter-American Foundation. What is at stake? A fight to go beyond hunger, beyond survival, beyond resilience. Our commitment: to support 100s of community families realize their modest dreams of food security and hopes for self-sufficiency and a better future for their children. JOIN US!
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).