This project supports education and well being of vulnerable children. A number of families were hit most by the global pandemic, Sprout Care Foundation aim to support vulnerable families with food relief to fight diseases related to poor diet especially among children . Coronavirus infections spread to reach the pandemic proportions. Transport interruptions, limiting access to markets, quarantines and supply chain disruptions due to lock down affected all business and supply of food.
The economic consequences of covid-19 have ended up hurting more people in rural Uganda than the disease itself. Transport interruptions, measures limiting access to markets and supply chain disruptions caused localized price hikes. The vulnerable children households with food insecurity are generally more vulnerable and less prepared for an epidemic outbreak and is more likely to experience higher mortality rates, high malnutrition and vulnerability to disease. Uganda uses a free market economy
Sprout Care Foundation will support those in urgent need of food, self protection and those likely to suffer from malnutrition in different villages targeting orphans and vulnerable children households.
The project will reduce the impact of food crisis that capable of causing malnutrition, high mortality rates among children and diseases related to poor feeding practices.