This project will provide food for 50 children in a Mombasa slum during the school holidays. These children are well nourished during term time by a feeding programme provided at school by Mustard Seed Project. This project will prevent the poorest children from severe mal-nourishment during the school holidays.
The children at Miche Bora School are provided with porridge and a balanced mid-day meal during the school term. For some children this is the only food they receive. Although the charity was aware that children lost weight during the school holidays the severity of the problem only came to light when the Kenyan government decided that all schools must close for nine weeks. Parents came to us in desperation for help and we could see by their emaciated conditions that this was a real problem.
Each week we shall give the parents maize-meal, beans, dried fish powder, long-life milk and 50 shillings (about $.5) to buy fruit and vegetables during the school holiday.
If the children are not starving they will return to school healthy and ready to learn. A good education will hopefully provide the route out of the poverty for themselves and their parents