The Farm-to-Clinic Ometepe initiative is a one-of-a-kind grassroots initiative that will simultaneously bring huge benefits to both community and environment. Project Bona Fide (PBF) will produce herbal medicines, otherwise imported from outside the country.
The clinic provides communities on Ometepe with free medical care from naturopathic physicians. We strives for sustainability in their approach, but high-quality natural medicines can currently only be imported from out-of-country, which is expensive and does not support the local economy or environment.
PBF will supply the clinic with medicinal herbs grown in an organic, sustainable manner on the very island that both projects call home. Local specialists will be trained to manage the garden and processing station, and the clinic will be able to serve more patients while strengthening its commitment to the local economy and environment.
The Farm-to-Clinic Ometepe initiative will supply 50% of the clinic's herbal medicines from a local, organic source on the island. This will reduce the clinic's reliance on medicines sent from abroad, and it will allow the clinic to better serve the 2,500+ patients it treats every year using natural medicines grown and produced within the local environment and economy.