ExPosure Experience is partnering with creatives to provide them exposure and raising funds to support 1,000 youth through PARTI Program events. ExPosure be organizing a virtual signature event to raise money for the PARTI Program ExPosure Charity Bullying Prevention Events, Violence Prevention Campaigns, and opportunities to expand artistic culture to youth who need their voices to be amplified. Your donations will support youth and communities who face disparities.
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) reports 2020 - Schools are experiencing "an intensification" of racial and ethnic disputes between students - Joan First, Executive Director, National Coalition of Advocates for Students. She adds, "schools aren't very well prepared..." According to the most recent 2020 publication in the Pew Report, 6-in-10 Americans (58%) say race relations in the U.S. are bad, and few see them improving.
Our Call to Action - Support youth equity, safety, violence, and promoting bully-free communities: ExPosure Collective is hosting events to support PARTI's work to assist disenfranchised youth. These events include ExPosure Bullying Prevention Event, Youth-led, " Martin Luther King Jr. Stop The Violence event. The youth-led event provides students with the power to celebrate diversity, promoting equity, and foster youth leadership.
With $500,000 in matching support, ExPosure Collective will be able to help the PARTI Program reach it's goal to support 1,000 youth with socio-emotional support in the Silicon Valley Bay Area ( 7 Counties). By exceeding our reach , we will be able to support youth all over California, the Pacific Northwest, and the Nation, who need our support to feel safe, stop bullies and violence at schools and in the community.
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