The mission of Fishing for Families in Need (F4FN) is to use the sport/skill of fishing as a mechanism to immerse and educate socio-economically disadvantaged children about their local marine and/or freshwater environment; while also working with fishing tournaments to collect and clean already caught fish to be served at soup kitchens in order to minimize potential waste and provide a much needed high protein source to the patrons of the soup kitchen.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, over 70% of the world's fish species are either fully exploited or depleted. Most of this exploitation and depletion is happening as a result of ignorance and inadequate marine education. Every 1 out of 5 people on this planet depend on fish as their primary source of protein. By educating the youth we can create ethical anglers who follow rules and regulations, and seek to minimize damage to the environment.
Fishing for Families in Need (F4FN) provides programming consisting of hands on classes with 20-30 children at a time from several locations in the United States and the Bahamas. Classes consist of knot tying, casting, multiple marine conservation/ education discussions, and field trips where the children have the opportunity to interact and appreciate the natural freshwater and marine ecosystems that surround them. We are creating responsible anglers who understand local rules and regulations.
The multi-week programs will create hundreds of responsible youth anglers, provide amazing volunteer opportunities for the community, and positively impact local marine and freshwater ecosystems. The children in the classes become strong ambassadors for environmental protection and continue to educate their family and friends long after the classes end. Thus, possibly creating a movement for change in their community focused on marine conservation and better fishing practices.