Activity Title: Venezuela Report First Semester 2024
Implementing Staff :
Estefani Manchego, María Alvarado, Luisana Sambrano, Isabella Guevara, Yohana Godoy, Monica
Seco, Katherine Camacho, Andrea Ardines, Jisley Contreras, Lenimar García, Augusto García, Juan
Daniel González, Danis Ruiz, Brayan Acevedo, José Rodriguez, Eddy González and JJ Peña
Date of activity implementation:
10th January – 31th May
Source of Funding:
1. Survivor Story
2. Breast Self-Examination Talk
3. Ultimate School Program
4. Video Coach Brayan
5. Sponsorship Tatuy and Mother Flowers goes
to TEP Medellin
Expected Outcome of the Activity – What result did you intend to achieve?
1. We managed to consolidate two work teams in the cities of Maracay and Merida to carry out the
Breast Self-Exam Talk, we did this thanks to a win-win agreement with Tatuy Ultimate Junior
and Mother Flowers Ultimate Club, this generated sponsorship during the TEP and in return they
implemented the breast self-examination talks.
2. We continue to tell survivor stories, we agreed with the BIOFAR Laboratory to donate Longevity
Health brand vitamin C to volunteers who tell their survivor stories.
3. We empowered Coach Baryan Acevedo to make educational videos on how to improve athletic
performance during Ultimate games.
4. We continue to empower Coach José Rodriguez for the Ultimate School Program by assisting the
PE Teachers of the Humboldt and Agustin Codazzi schools.
5. We attended the TEP generating a memorable experience for 50 people, in addition to projecting
the name of E.R.I.C. as an institution that cares about the development of Ultimate and helping
people in education for the prevention and recognition of cancer, achieving an impact on more
than 2000 people who attended the TEP.
Methodology used to achieve Outcome: Report on the approach or procedure used to implement
the activity.
1. We established win-win agreements with each volunteer taking advantage of the E.R.I.C.
curriculum, we can generate the impact we have set out to do.
Activity Outcome(s): What were your findings?
1. We managed to impact 1,627 people during this first semester.
2. We tell three stories of Survivors
3. Tatuy Ultimate Junior with a great effort attended the TEP being undefeated champions in the
mixed Under 15 category.
4. The Mothers Flowers gave the breast self-examination talk during halftime of the men's final at the
TEP, the audience was more than 1000 people and we handed out 600 stickers.
5. Coach Brayan's educational videos are receiving more and more comments and followers,
projecting us as an institution that empowers coaches who motivate improving the performance of
Ultimate athletes.
6. Ultimate School Program It is advancing but we see that it is not so popular with students, it is
necessary to create competitions between schools to motivate the student community
No. Children Reached: Boys: 140 Girls: 312
No. Adults Reached: Men: 48 Women: 1127
Agreed/ Suggested Actions: Share any commitments agreed on during activity implementation
We can create dual-purpose activities aimed at schools, where teachers are taught breast self-
examination and students receive the E.R.I.C. HABLA CLARO clinic, this has already been
done in Mérida and they will continue to develop this type of activity.
Promote the development of training and dissemination of the Ultimate Trainers Manual as a
tool for the empowerment of PE TEACHERS because they are the motivators for the
discovery of the benefits of physical activity in children.
Strengthen connections with medical institutions to facilitate the development of survivor
Continue advancing between private and public institutions with the objective of scheduling
the Breast Self-Examination Talk.
Develop an educational content program about Screen UP and its benefits.
Create nutritional content of a conscious and healing diet.
Challenges faced: Report on any difficulties faced while implementing the activity
Coordinate activities with private and public institutions to carry out the Breast Self-
Examination Talks, we depend on them for approval, so we must wait for it to be scheduled
and then execute, it is not as fast as we want.
It is necessary to establish what the income margin is for the women who perform the Self-
examination, establishing a standard in the implementation of the campaign would be an
added value and in this way we can generate greater commitment among the volunteers.
Recommendations: Suggest any solutions that could make it easier to achieve the expected result
Is it possible to establish remuneration for Estefani and Jisley of $400 per month for each one
due to the work they do to carry out the breast self-examination talks?
Organize meetings with the other chapters to talk about the best practices for the
implementation of the campaign and thus develop procedures that facilitate the operation.
January to May 2024
Contribution E.R.I.C. 8.000,00
Own Contributions 100,00
Human team 1.575,00
Process Accounts
Video Production 605,00
Tatuy sponsorship 1.384,00
Mother Flowers sponsorhip 1.564,00
Administrative expenses 100,00
General expenses 1.343,00
Capital Accounts
Vehicle maintenance 500,00
Office equipment 240,00
Merchandise & POP 580,00
Unforeseen 200,00
Total spends 8.091,00
Sustainability margin 9,00
Earned Value is the data that allows us to calculate how much we invest in impacting a person with
the E.R.I.C message.
It is generated by dividing the income by the total number of people impacted:
Income $8,100.00
Number of people impacted: 1627 people
Earned Value:$4.97
We require $4.97 to impact one person with the E.R.I.C message during this first semester.
During this first semester we managed to connect with a team of volunteers who are committed to the
development of the campaign. It was a challenge for us to be able to educate them in implementing
the proposed objectives, but thanks to the experience and the E.R.I.C. curriculum, we achieved the
goal we set for ourselves by forming two work teams in two different cities and thus spreading the
E.R.I.C message.
We are also advancing in the empowerment of coaches, we have two programs in progress, one that
promotes the improvement of the athletic performance of Ultimate players on social networks, this
content is professional and of high technical value that strengthens the image of E.R.I.C. in building
role models, we also continue with the Ultimate School Program where students and teachers
discover the benefits of Frisbee sports.
For us it is a pride to tell the stories of survivors, this program is of high value and we must
strengthen connections to continue generating stories that show that cancer can be defeated if it is
detected early, linking more organizations that facilitate the sustainability of the campaign.
Going to TEP MEDELLÍN was a memorable experience, we managed to impact thousands of people,
it was very satisfying to see the result of TATUY, and you simply see the achievements when we
Social Investment Structure
January to May 2024
Human Team
Process Accounts
Capital Accounts
create tools that empower others to do things outstanding, generating an opportunity for quality of life
for this children who are there to experience that good things can happen.
For the Mother Flowers, the TEP experience was a challenge because they had the opportunity to
play against the best teams in the world, they tested their talent and mental capacity, they also taught
the breast self-examination in front of a crowd of people, this projects us to be present at major
sporting and cultural events with the clear determination of how we can spread the E.R.I.C message
in mass audiences.
Doing good feels good
Compiled by:
Date: June 5th, 2024