In the final phase of a 5-year malnutrition study, our project seeks to eradicate malnutrition in 3,800 families across 19 villages in East Bali. Partnering with Udayana University Medical Faculty, our focus is on empowering adolescent girls, pregnant women's families, and those with infants under 2 years, involving the entire family unit holistically. This model can be replicated on a broader scale, using Ban Village as a shining example.
20 years ago, most of the 1,500 children under five were malnourished due to inaccessible health services, limited nutritious food, and maternal knowledge gaps; exacerbated by abject poverty and illiteracy. East Bali's remote mountain communities grappled with subsistence farming challenges: arid sandy slopes, scarce water, and extreme poverty. Mothers, carrying the sole burden of child nourishment, lacked essential amenities like sanitation, roads, schools, and health facilities.
To achieve a 100% reduction in infant malnutrition, we have developed a "Family Model" aimed at educating mothers and family members on child nutrition and care. This empowers them to adopt healthy behaviors, while adolescent females gain the knowledge to anticipate and meet nutritional needs during future pregnancies, ensuring optimal nutrition for babies from the early stages of life.
By creating a versatile and robust family model, we can fully eradicate infant malnutrition in Ban village, which can be scaled up and replicated for other communities at a large scale. Beyond saving children's lives and preventing stunting in the first 1,000 days of a baby's life, this initiative generates positive ripple effects in subsequent years, enhancing school performance and expanding work opportunities, ultimately contributing to an overall improvement in quality of life.
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