HEALTH they say is WEALTH. Matele and Peter Kajola oniji Idose village, Imeko, Ogun state Nigeria are known to be hardworking farmers with vigor and resilience. Sadly, these 2 villages have not only been faced with safety concerns and endangered health, but also a perturb source of livelihood due to lack of clean water. Annegift Foundation is now helping over 5000 people in these villages to access drinkable water and not only reduce threat of infection but also improve their source of living.
In remote places like Matele and Kajola, if you don't work you don't eat. Lack of clean water has caused health defects, stopped children from going to school and ceased farmers mostly youth and able bodied villagers from farming. All these cause lack of means for sustenance, hence causes frustration, therefore makes life unbearable for people of Peter Kajola and Oniji Idose. This project will affect over 5000 lives in Matele and Kajola including school children.
AnneGift Foundation will provide drinkable water, reduce unemployment, keep children in school, it will also help encourage youth and able-bodied villagers to stay on farm and practice agricultural production, thereby reducing hunger, eradicating poverty, malnutrition and water borne diseases.
The project will impact over 800 villagers with sustainable income (Economic). Encourage agricultural production, increases employment rate, improve children's growth and development (future security).