This project, fondly called Chelsea's Wish, brings families to Epilepsy Awareness Educational Expo and Day at Disneyland each November. Many families dealing with the stresses of epilepsy/seizures are exhausted, both emotionally and financially. Many are single-parent or one-income families because of the care needed. They deserve a break!!! The Chelsea Hutchison Foundation grants comfort and hope!
So many families and individuals living with epilepsy are isolated and financially strapped. Because epilepsy is so misunderstood, families fight daily for the help they need. Many are single-parent or one-income families who work incredibly hard to make ends meet. Add high medical costs, the care and equipment that can go along with an unstable individual, the burden is high. It is not uncommon for a family to have a loved one who seizes 50-100 times a day.
Community is incredibly important when you are faced with the challenges of caring for a loved one with seizures, or are experiencing them yourself. CHF has granted 94 families with paid wish trips to Epilepsy Awareness Day as well as the one-of-a-kind Epilepsy Expo. The Expo offers a wealth of information-exposure to professionals, treatment options, education, and hope. Our Disney families meet and instantly bond with the other families who understand the struggles, the fear, the en
Seizures can strike anytime, announced or unannounced. Imagine the stress of always wondering what is around the corner. Seizures can be deadly - this Foundation was created in memory of a beautiful 16-year girl who lost her life to a seizure one night in her sleep. The stress is overwhelming and, unless you live with or love someone who suffers with seizures, it is hard to explain those struggles. This project brings a little ray of sunshine to families in need.