Education  Kenya Project #34834

Equipping Hands for Effective Communication

by Kenya Christian School For The Deaf
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Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication
Equipping Hands for Effective Communication


The Interact- ALL assistive gameboard provides a fun-based learning opportunity for basic Kenya Sign-Language(KSL) fingerspelling, letter sequence, combination of letter signs to form words and peer to peer learning. This solution enhances acquisition of KSL for deaf children at the earliest opportunity thereby improving both academic and social outcomes. The virtual mobile app also enhances digital literacy and repetitive learning. Every child moves at their own pace leaving no one behind!

total goal
monthly donors


Unlike you and I who learn our first languages at home and from the community, a deaf child has to wait until they get to school to learn their first language. This affects their ability to communicate, interact and even learn. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 90% of the 200,000 deaf Kenyan children still struggle to access sign language. To Enhance learning outcomes in the education of deaf children, early acquisition of sign language should be advocated for across the globe


The project will enhance early acquisition of Kenyan Sign Language for infants/children aged 1-13 years old, offer fun based learning of letter signs, handshapes, sequence, fine motor development and word formation for deaf and hard-of-hearing children. An inclusive lifelong literacy foundation base and scalable solution that improves literacy skills of early-grade learners and their peers thereby building solid foundations for all children to live in a World free barrier zone.

Long-Term Impact

Enhanced early literacy for 5000 deaf children aged 1-13 years old and inclusive fun based access to basic sign language for effective communication. Digital literacy and improved fine motor skills of deaf early-grade learners, improved academic outcomes and social interaction. Visual learning will change the world by greatly reducing the gap between the deaf learners, their teachers, peers, parents, Learner Support Assistants( LSA) , education managers and leaders in their community.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Kenya Christian School For The Deaf

Location: Nairobi - Kenya
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @kcsd2
Project Leader:
Lavenda Awuor
Oyugis , Kenya
$8,728 raised of $50,000 goal
161 donations
$41,272 to go
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Pay Bill: 891300
Account: GG34834

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