Rescue Venezuela's Starving Zoo Animals

by South American Initiative
Rescue Venezuela's Starving Zoo Animals
Rescue Venezuela's Starving Zoo Animals
Rescue Venezuela's Starving Zoo Animals
Rescue Venezuela's Starving Zoo Animals
Rescue Venezuela's Starving Zoo Animals
Rescue Venezuela's Starving Zoo Animals
Rescue Venezuela's Starving Zoo Animals
Rescue Venezuela's Starving Zoo Animals
Rescue Venezuela's Starving Zoo Animals
Rescue Venezuela's Starving Zoo Animals


Rare, endangered animals in Venezuelan public zoos are dying from starvation and lack of medical care. Zoo keepers have abandoned their posts due to the lack of money and resources to feed and protect these captive animals. Imagine being a caged monkey or sloth and suddenly there is no one to feed you and no veterinarian give you medical care. It's a nightmare! That's why South American Initiative has a team of professionals to rescue these captive animals by delivering vital food and medicine.

total goal
monthly donors


Due to Venezuela's economic crisis and government corruption, it is difficult to get public and private zoo animals the food, medicine, support, and medical care they need to survive. Local zoos can no longer generate enough cash flow to pay for specialty foods, expensive medicines and veterinarian care these captive animal require on a daily basis. The challenge is to make regular food deliveries, support, and rescue medical care for these rare and endangered animals.


South American Initiative is stepping in to fill this gap by providing food and medical care to neglected animals that are suffering in these zoos. We are presently working with two zoos and one animal refuge in providing food and medical care to these animals with plans to work with more in the future.

Long-Term Impact

South American Initiative's long-term impact is to feed sick and neglected rare animals providing them with the proper care and nutrition in zoos throughout Venezuela. With your support, we will save these animals and be able to expand rare animal care throughout the country.


Organization Information

South American Initiative

Location: Plantation, FL - USA
Project Leader:
Blade Thomas
Caracas , Venezuela
$9,124 raised of $10,000 goal
284 donations
$876 to go
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