The MITZ Foundation emerged to face the strong social lag and high rates of gender violence in Mexico through the empowerment of women who transform waste into artisanal products
The lowest levels of development and with a gender alert where women live in the eastern zone and the conurbation municipality (Chimalhuacan) of Mexico City. Inequality of the economic relations that affect women in Mexico and that exacerbate in municipalities in poverty. Low participation of women in processes of alternative economic models that contribute to the conservation of the environment. This project will affect women who lives in Chimalhuacan.
Generate personal well-being and family in women in situation of vulnerabilities of the municipality of Chimalhuacan through its empowerment. We build capacities in women. We teach them to fish for the day we are not, they already know the way to work, commit, train and feel competent. All we elaborate is from waste, always helping the planet and care education enviroment
The project will educate 280 women to: Acquire autonomy and independence in their families from having an income economic, capacity development to generate value for a product and development of financial capacities and administrative
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).