AdvocAid will provide young-adult education classes and business & vocational skills training to 150 vulnerable girls & young women aged 14 to 24 who are currently or previously detained in prisons and police cells across Sierra Leone thereby enabling them to positively rebuild their lives.
Sierra Leone is one of the poorest countries in the world. With the current Ebola crisis, the economy has further declined, making many illiterate young women and girls unable to support their families and thereby at risk of being detained for failing to pay their debts, carrying out unlicensed street trading or being sex workers. AdvocAid is providing these women and girls free legal services and would like to support them longer term with critical educational and entrepreneurship support.
AdvocAid will provide young women and girls aged 18 to 24 years with educational and entrepreneurship training whilst in detention and post-prison. Trained teachers will provide literacy & numeracy classes to young women in prison. A business skills consultant will provide business skills training to young women in prison and ex-prisoner young women and girls. Skilled teachers will provide vocational skills training to young women in prison and ex-prisoner young women and girls.
We will deliver education, employment opportunities and entrepreneurship skills to 150 girls and young women aged between 14 and 24 years providing them with dignity, a chance to rebuild their lives, prevent recividism and have a positive impact on Sierra Leone