This project helps, through education, to economically empower Mexican women so they can start and run a successful business and create a better future for themselves and their families.
47% of Mexican women face great difficulties to get a decent job; they have less opportunities to get a job, and when they actually get it, it turns out to be poorly paid and under inadequate conditions
Crea offers women a business training program that uses a curriculum build in a participative way, which seeks to support economic growth and prevent gender violence within the communities where the women live We firmly believe that good deeds are contagious, that they can and should be expanded, magnified, enhanced. One's existence and actions should help make the world a better place, so more people could access development and growth opportunities. We are a network of plenty, doing thing
Outcomes expected: To give training to young women, in topics related to business skills; To improve the financial abilities of young women; To equipped young women with knowledge so they can improve their income-earning abilities To promote the link to economic opportunities.