Our youth empowerment project has been providing free motivational alternative education programs to young people whose families often struggle to meet basic needs. We integrate education in practical learning system and internships program in order to have better lives and give positive impact to the communities. Social entrepreneur is our goal. We give an alternative education system, to assist the youth as the prevention of becoming street and casual worker, also the image of trouble maker.
As the neighbor of Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, Bogor experiences quite the same problem. Many kids are still growing up in poor families. Early on these youth typically lose hope that their lives could be any different from what they see in their families and neighborhoods. While in their teens many surrender any hope for an adult life beyond lowly paid jobs and poverty. No wonder that many teens hang out senselessly and a growing number become street thugs, fall pray to drugs etc.
Yayasan Cipta Mandiri offers the chances for the youth from the underprivileged families to empower themselves. We motivate them to dare to dream and reach their dream. We give them the opportunities to explore their talents, their strength, build their character and give them sufficient knowledge and skills. As the youth often forced by their parents to look for money, although they aren't skillful yet, we offer them the internship programs and channeled to our social entrepreneur division.
In long term, the knowledgeable and skillful young people will be able to create job for themselves and for the community. While they are able to make a living for themselves, they also able to create bigger opportunity for others. The social entrepreneur division we have now (SOLA/ Soul of Unlimited Ideas) hopefully will be able to assist the sustainability of YCM to assist more and more young people and to create programs that will help the communities.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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