This project is to empower 275 boys and girls in primary school to complete secondary level by providing them with essentials learning school supplies there by enhancing their educational opportunities and seeking funds to fostering their overall development and transform their lives. The project is seeking funds to addressed the lack of access to learning materials and empower 100 adult girls at vocational tech as we aim to bridge the educational gap and promote equality in education for all.
There are currently over 500 children and high numbers of adult girls in vocational training in our community were less pay attention because of low-income and marginalized communities and lack access to quality education. The inadequate learning materials, technology, decent classroom building to acquired quality teaching, and poverty. Dropout of girls rate pose a significant challenge to quality education and the project will make change over 500 children and 100 adult girls in vocational.
The project will enhanced the children access to quality education and ensuring all children empower with learning schools materials supplies and daily feeding per every child. Also build a comfortable classrooms and offer every child a tuition and scholarship and provide the fundamental technology offline training for the children and enabling them explore in various subjects. The project will transform adults girls by providing tailoring sewing machines tools kits per every girl.
The project will increased the socio-economic opportunities for a good numbers of children and adult girls who will benefit the quality of education and training and the great sense of education as a pathway and transform lives. This will provide a quality education and vocational achievement to access wider range of employment opportunities and higher earning potential in the long run. Empowering children in education will reduced the dropout of girls and enable a active in their communities.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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