Kitso is a remarkable example of how the RightfulShare Basic Income (UBI) project can create new opportunities for individuals facing financial obstacles. After excelling in high school and securing a bursary, Kitso dreamed of studying skilled trade engineering at Kathu TVET College. However, despite her hard work, she had to put her plans on hold due to the inability to cover additional educational expenses. Upon joining the RightfulShare project, Kitso saw new possibilities unfold, using the UBI to first address some immediate needs like buying new glasses, joining an online course and then slowly starting a small business to strech her digital income.
She began by offering loans to her community at a 30% interest rate. This small business not only helped her build her confidence but also allowed her to contribute to her household by supporting her family with school-related expenses, such as bus transport for her siblings.
While Kitso’s career path has not yet led her to blockchain, the RightfulShare project played a crucial role in her securing a well-paying job in Upington, a nearby town. Her success illustrates the broader impact of UBI in providing individuals with the resources to overcome financial barriers, build sustainable livelihoods, and achieve long-term personal and professional growth.