Project Report
| Mar 16, 2021
Education for Every Occassion
By Huda Alawa | Development Director
Access to education is a human right - and NuDay is working to secure it for each and every Syrian child. In the midst of COVID, this has meant adapting schools and education to fit with commuity needs. Some ways NuDay has done this is through minimizing in-person classes to accomdate smaller group sizes, allowing for socially distanced learning. Students are also provided with the tools to self-educate in instances where in-person classes are unfeasible. This includes self-guided school books, stationary, and learning materials.
The COVID pandemic has a stronger impact on girls and women. NuDay is rapidly working to close the gap and ensure that female students are prioritized to ensure that their futures are as bright as ever.
Thank you for your continued support.
Oct 6, 2020
Empowering, Socially Distanced Edition
By Huda Alawa | Development Director
The past few months have been a whirlwind, to say the least. We saw the onset of a pandemic that resulted in quarantines internationally and left vulnerable people more vulnerable than ever before; the expanded impact of famine in Yemen, where people regularly struggle to find food on a regular basis; and then the Beirut explosion caused even more despair in Lebanon, leaving many homeless and many more refugees displaced yet again.
In Syria, NuDay has been working to mitigate social distancing measures since April. NuDay's in-person programming was scaled down to ensure that participants minimized possible spreading. For our education programming, this meant that smaller class sizes were initially utilized. This fall, however, numbers of COVID cases rose. As a result, education activities have been limited to home teaching. Students are provided with school supplies and text books, and are visited on a regular basis by staff to ensure that they understand the material and continue to progress.
Even with the virus, we will not put education on the backburner.
Thank you for your ongoing support in this tough time.
Jun 8, 2020
Bringing Science to Syria's Women
By Huda Alawa | Development Director
With your support, we are ensuring Syria's women are aided with science and knowledge!
NuDay is building upon our education and livelihood principles through our Women's Empowerment Centers: two centers focused on empowering women through knowledge. This past year, we began offering science courses to the almost four thousand participants. Many displaced women were unable to complete their education, and this opportunity closes the knowledge gap.
Women come to the center, excited and eager to learn. Through hands-on experiments, they gain a deeper understanding of how the world works. Learning together also provides a psycho-social healing of sorts, as women are united in their lived experiences and working to improve the conditions that they now live in.
NuDay is inspiring the next generation of scientists, doctors, and innovators. Thank you for your support!