Empower Young Rural Women with Vocational Training

by Muni Seva Ashram
Empower Young Rural Women with Vocational Training


Located in a small village of a tribal belt of Gujarat, the Vocational Training Centre of Muni Seva Ashram provides employment-oriented vocational training, soft-skill training, and employment assistance to young women in an exemplary residential setting. In a learning environment, with nutritious hygienic food and quality training, the centre has trained more than 2000 young women and placed more than 75% of them. You can sponsor a student and transform her life for less than $500.

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Schools in rural India are government run. Though they provide free education, the quality of education is poor. Rural youth, especially girls, with inadequate education, usually find themselves taking up migratory employment leading to inadequate education for their children, thus pushing them in this vicious cycle of migratory insecure employment. With market demand for skilled workers, it has become more difficult for women to find gainful employment to improve their socio-economic condition.


By providing the rural women adequate training & placement support, MSA-VTC wants to get them a chance at stable employment and adequate education for their children, thus working towards overall development of the family and the society. By equipping more women with adequate skills, MSA-VTC will support equal access and opportunity to all in India's fast developing economy, engendering employment opportunities that workers, especially women, from all socioeconomic backgrounds can benefit from.

Long-Term Impact

The quality employment-oriented training, with a focus on English, computer literacy and personality development, will help more than 300 young rural women, every year, become independent, open-minded, and contribute to the economic growth of their family. These vocational courses enable young women to broaden their horizon, and give a better upbringing to their children, thus leading to growth and development of the entire family, which eventually leads to the development of the nation.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Muni Seva Ashram

Location: Vadodara, Gujarat - India
Muni Seva Ashram
Hemant Patel
Project Leader:
Hemant Patel
Vadodara , Gujarat India

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