Empower the youth - let's give them voice

by Windmills of Masuria Association
Empower the youth - let's give them voice
Empower the youth - let's give them voice
Empower the youth - let's give them voice
Empower the youth - let's give them voice
Empower the youth - let's give them voice
Empower the youth - let's give them voice

Project Report | Oct 6, 2023
The first debate final is already behind us!

By Iwona Olkowicz | Board Member, Project Coordinator

Final debate
Final debate

The first debate final is already behind us! /Polish version below/

On June 6, 2023, the finals of the First League of Oxford Debates took place during a ceremony to sum up the year's activities with young people. Two teams of young debaters (it should be remembered that they are only 14 years old!) performed in front of more than a hundred people gathered in the audience. The final thesis was: "Individual actions are not enough to stop climate change." Both we and the Jury were very impressed by the professional preparation for the debate - Greta Thundberg was quoted during the argument, but also activists from Greenpeace and WWF. 

The youngsters controlled their emotions, used verified arguments and you know what? Debates are a great way to let young people explore a topic. No lesson will have such an educational effect as participating in a debate! Young people work as a team, searching for arguments, building a line of defense or refutation of a thesis, and it is not only a great lesson in public speaking, but also a great way to get young people interested in the topic of climate change.

The debate was very evenly matched, and the Jury had a tough nut to crack! In the end, the debate was won by the youth from Miki, slightly beating the team from Kowale Oleckie. The winners received statuettes (modeled on the Oscar statuettes), and the team that took second place - received medals. 

For us, the biggest surprise was the transformation that took place among the young debaters with each debate.  

Starting in October 2023, we are launching another Debate League, inviting new schools to participate  - we plan to work in parallel with youngsters from elementary schools and high schools. We care a lot about preparing young people well, so from the last contributions to this program we have purchased publications that will help us teach classes on: public speaking and fack-checking. We also visited the Zywiec Development Foundation (traveling more than 600 kilometers) to set up a schedule for cooperation and the arrival of the ZFR leader for the first workshop with young people.

We are planning the finale of League II for December 2023.

Go to http://goto.gg/57433 and support Masuria youth in acquiring the skills of critical thinking, public speaking and respect for dissenting opinions. 

We want to have smart local politicians, so let's invest in youth. 


Final I Mazurskiej Ligi Debat Oksfordzkich za nami.

6 czerwca 2023, podczas uroczystego podsumowania rocznych dzialan z mlodzieza odbyl sie Final I Ligi Debat Oksfordzkich. Dwie druzyny mlodych debatantów (trzeba pamietac, ze maja tylko po 14 lat!) wystapily przed ponad setka osób zgromadzonych na widowni. Teza finalowa brzmiala: „Indywidualne dzialania to za malo, zeby zatrzymac zmiane klimatu”. Zarówno my, jak i Jury, bylismy pod wielkim wrazeniem profesjonalnego przygotowania sie do debaty – podczas argumentowania przytaczano postac Grety Thundberg, ale takze aktywistów Greenpeace i WWF. 

Modzi panowali nad emocjami, uzywali zweryfikowanych argumentów i wiecie co? Debaty to jest swietny sposób na pozwolenie mlodziezy na zglebianie tematu. Zadna lekcja nie odniesie takiego efektu edukacyjnego, jak udzial w debacie! Mlodzi pracuja zespoowo, szukajac argumentów, budujac linie obrony albo obalenia tezy i jest to nie tylko wspaniala lekcja wystapien publicznych, ale takze doskonaly sposób na zainteresowanie mlodziezy tematyka zmian klimatu.

Debata bya bardzo wyrównana i Jury miao trudny orzech do zgryzienia! Ostatecznie debate zwyciezyla mlodziez z Milek, nieznacznie pokonujac ekipe z Kowal Oleckich. Zwyciezcy otrzymali statuetki (wzorowane na statuetki Oskara), a ekipa, która zajela drugie miejsce – otrzymala medale. 

Dla nas najwiekszym zaskoczeniem byla przemiana, jaka z kazda debata dokonywala sie wsród mlodych debatantów. 

Od pazdziernika 2023 uruchamiamy kolejna Lige Debat, zapraszajac nowe szkoly do udzialu: planujemy pracowac równolegle z mlodymi ze szkól podstawowych oraz szkól srednich. Zalezy nam bardzo na dobrym przygotowaniu mlodych ludzi, dlatego z ostatnich wpat na ten program zakupilismy publikacje, które pomoga nam prowadzic zajecia z: wystapien publicznych i fack-checkingu. Odwiedzilismy tez Zywiecka Fundacje Rozwoju (pokonujac ponad 600 km), aby ustalic harmonogram wspólpracy i przyjazd liderki ZFR na pierwsze warsztaty z mlodzieza.

Final II Ligi planujemy na grudzien 2023.

Wejdz na http://goto.gg/57433 i wesprzyj mazurska mlodziez w zdobywaniu umiejetnosci krytycznego myslenia, przemawiania publicznego i szacunku do odmiennych opinii. 

Chcemy miec madrych lokalnych politykow, dlatego inwestujemy w mlodziez.

Jury of the League
Jury of the League


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Organization Information

Windmills of Masuria Association

Location: Stare Juchy - Poland
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Iwona Olkowicz
Stare Juchy , Poland

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