We'll organize the Masurian League of Oxford Debates to give youth from rural schools the safe space to practice a substantive discussion, the art of debating, public speaking, and verifying information sources through experience, not in theory. We invite teams from 4 schools to take part in training on public speaking, formulating a thesis, and searching for arguments. Then, these teams will take part in the 1st Masurian League of Oxford Debates to compete for the title of Master of Debates.
We have been working with young people for many years and we know that young people, especially from rural areas, have little opportunity to express their position or formulate rational arguments, they cannot verify information sources, and easily believe in fake news. Young people have low self-esteem and are unable to argue constructively. We want to equip them with basic skills to help them in their adult lives.
We will organize the Masurian League of Oxford Debates to enable the youth to learn by experiencing the following skills: - the art of public speaking and controlling stage fright, - respect for people with different views, - the belief that even if I do not agree with someone, I can try to understand them and cooperate with them for the common good, - listening to and analyzing information, - critical and analytical thinking, - formulating and defending one's opinion.
The Oxford Debate will teach young people how to express their opinion and how to defend it while respecting the opinion of others. Debates are guided by the principle that accepting someone else's opinion and accepting it does not necessarily mean agreeing with it. Debating is a skill that will help each participant to function better in adulthood. Supporting young people so that they can cope in their adult life is our leitmotif.
This project has provided additional documentation in a XLSX file (projdoc.xlsx).
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