Do you have a young girl in your life? Can you imagine if she was forced into a violent, abusive working situation by circumstances outside her control? In a region with limited social services, how relieved would you be if she was found by someone like Consoler, who has dedicated her life to providing a safe place for young girls escaping indentured servitude. Help us fund Consoler's business plan to sustain her work for years come.
In Tanzania, many young women and girls are sent to the city in order to escape family poverty and attend school. Often, they find work providing domestic help for other families. Since it is rarely possible to return home because of extreme poverty, employers recognize their vulnerability, and the girls are often subjected to abuse, neglect, and horrible living conditions with nowhere to go.
Under Consoler Wilbert's leadership, who is herself a survivor of modern slavery, New Hope for Girls Organization (NHGO) provides a safe space for girls escaping abuse and gender-based violence. NHGO believes its work as an advocate and service provider will be needed for many years into the future, which is why Consoler has developed a business plan for income to a sustain NHGO for the long-term. Consoler plans to run a sewing supply shop with help from her girls to serve the wider community.
New Hope for Girls is: 1. Filling a need for social services by partnering with law enforcement to respond to girls in vulnerable situations (child marriage, indentured servitude, gender-based violence) 2. Sensitizing the community to gender-based violence 3. Advocating for stronger government protections of women's (human) rights. 4. Preparing vulnerable children for school and advocating for waiving their school fees 5. A catalyst for women's business training and economic empowerment