Have you ever considered how technical skills such as metalwork, hairdressing, or electrical installation can change someone's life? At the Mabati Technical Training Institute, our students are able to learn these, alongside life skills, entrepreneurship & IT skills to earn a decent income. Ever since Covid-19 came along, our students aren't able to afford the training fees and risk dropping out. Support our project and empower our vulnerable students to lead better lives.
For years, job prospects and education opportunities in Mariakani have been far and few between. Our Institute has helped many students graduate to better jobs and incomes, but when Covid-19 came, many were not even able to afford the subsidised fees. As such, we need to cover the costs of teaching materials, meals and uniforms, all of which will allow our students to learn with pride and dignity.
Our training institute is held in high regard in Mariakani and we have proven to improve the lives of many young adults. With this fundraising project, we will be able to continue offering a quality education to these vulnerable youths by contributing towards the way in which they can learn. Our wide range of courses (such as electrical wiring, welding, hairdressing and more) can benefit from equipment repairs, new teaching materials, life-skills courses, healthy students, and much more.
By creating the prospect of gainful employment for our graduates, this project will not only create more jobs and successful businesses, but also empower the young generation to uplift their community and rise out of poverty. We hope to dignify our students by equipping them with the training to break the cycle of poverty and lead a new generation of entrepreneurs and skilled-workers.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).