Project Report
| Feb 8, 2018
PTOR Continue Their Efforts
By Nancy Amanti | Project Leader
Every day we are encouraged and impressed by the determination of our Positive Teens On the Run (PTOR). And every day they are encouraged by the support you have given them and continue to give them.
Recently we heard from Khathu, the Assistant Director of Vhutshilo Mountain School, who is assisting the PTOR support group in their quest to be a self-sustaining running club. She reports that the teens purchased a photo printer with GG project funds and have successfully begun to take and sell photos at various functions. Their initial attempt brought in R600 which gave them hope for future success. Plans are in the works for sponsoring a photography class as well as purchasing an additional camera and accessories.
Inspiration. Motivation. Encouragement. Success. This is what your donation provided. We will continue to keep you updated on their progress.
Thank You for your donations.
Nov 27, 2017
PTOR Continue to Plan for Self-Sustainability
By Nancy Amanti | Project Leader
We have encouraged the PTOR members to begin thinking about potential income generating projects using some of your donations as seed money. HFL has always believed that any project we undertake should be viewed as teaching opportunities and not simply as financial gains.
Some of the suggested ideas they sent us are questionable and don't appear to have much promise yet the ideas continue to flow which is delightful. We are excited by the dialogue these conversations are generating. The teens are young, inexperienced and currently ill equipped to understand all of the ramifications associated with potential business ventures but our questions and suggestions have led them to think about finances, marketing, accounting and sales opportunities. These are wonderful teaching opportunities for them.
The PTOR group is currently entertaing the idea of buying 2 cameras and a photo printer. They believe that since many schools and local creches have activities scheduled, a 'same-time' photo enterprise would be succesful. Photos would be taken and printed while people are waiting...much like the old time Polaroid instant photos. We see several gaps in their plan but we also want to avoid discouraging them and hope that this idea will flourish. Sometimes small failures bring about valuable insight and oftentimes success occurs when and where you least expect it so we are "holding our thumbs" in anticipation.
We do have a backup business idea for them but would like to hear from you, their 'investors'. Are there business ideas you think they should consider? What pitfalls do you suggest they avoid? What skills should they develop? What advice would you give these eager youngsters?
Thank you. We hope to hear from you and we'll keep you posted.
Nov 13, 2017
Continued Success for Your PTOR!
By Nancy Amanti | Project Leader
Thank you for encouraging our Positive Teens On the Run! While several youngsters in the group were busy writing end of the year exams, a few were recently able to participate in a 10k cancer run in Polokwane. Our own Wamashudu's best time came in at 14 minutes 58 seconds. These youngsters are becoming well known in the area and are encouraging younger children who are anxious to become part of this growing group. This is all due to your initial support!
Can't wait to see where this takes us. Perhaps one of our own will participate in the New York City or Boston marathon some day. We will continue to keep you posted on their progress. Thank you!