Empower 50 Disable People in China

by Nanchang Ahimsa Philanthropy Service Centre
Empower 50 Disable People in China
Empower 50 Disable People in China
Empower 50 Disable People in China
Empower 50 Disable People in China
Empower 50 Disable People in China
Empower 50 Disable People in China


As one of the most vulnerable people, the disable people not only are denied to access to most kinds of public services, but also feel inferior due to social discrimination. To some extent, the disable people are invisible man to the society. This project will help the disable people to step out the house into the society and to enjoy the beautiful world as well as to develop their interests in art, which will cultivate their passion for better life.

total goal
monthly donor


Due to ill-built public facilities and infrastructure, the disable people were trapped in their house and could not get access to library, cinema, part, school, hospital, etc. They not only suffer from physical impediment, but also psychical setbacks: inferiority. To make things worse, the physical impediment and psychical setbacks reinforce each other and form a vicious circle. which makes a kind of invisible segregation for the disable in the world.


This project will try to break the vicious circle by raising their awareness about the Convention of the Rights of Persons with DisabilitiesCRPD) and building self-confidence via workshop. To encourage them go outside, we will financing them travel cost in group. In addition to that, we will buy painting kit and music instruments for them and hire teachers to teach them at the aim of getting self-fulfilment, no matter through music learning or painting works.

Long-Term Impact

Like the Chinese saying that to teach people fishing rather than give them a fish. This project aims breaking the vicious circle made of physical impediment and psychical setbacks. Once the chains that been shattered, their inner power and self-confidence will grow. What's more, the change happened to them will create impact on other disable people. When they go out frequently, they are no long segregated from the invisible wall and live a life with dignity.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).


Important Notice about Projects in China

The Government of People’s Republic of China has implemented new regulations for foreign NGOs operating in China. GlobalGiving must receive Government approval before we can disburse funds to organizations registered in Mainland China. This means that the disbursement of your donation to this project may be slightly delayed while we obtain the appropriate approval.

Organization Information

Nanchang Ahimsa Philanthropy Service Centre

Location: Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, Asia - China
Project Leader:
Haihui Peng
Nanchang, Jiangxi Province , Asia China

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