Our trio of programs work together to make change: Kidz Kan and She Kan are outreach programs to educate and empower children, adolescents, teachers and community members about sexual abuse, the law, the role of duty bearers, and the rights of women and girls. The He Kan program is a means to proactively prevent sexual abuse done to women and girls by educating boys on what constitutes sexual abuse, the effects that has on a person, responsibility, and holding other boys accountable.
In Zimbabwe, where sexual abuse is common, the need to address myths, incorrect beliefs, and unjust social norms is dire, while teaching girls their rights. There is an urgent need to promote sexual abuse prevention activities in order to protect the sexual and reproductive rights of young women and adolescent girls. Sadly, due to abuse, young women are disproportionately affected by HIV: in 2017, 75% of new HIV infections in Sub-Saharan Africa were among adolescent girls aged 10-19 years.
We will empower girls through Kidz Kan and She Kan programs. They are taught to say "no" when uncomfortable and are provided with emotional and physical support, as needed. The He Kan program debunks the thought that men and boys are superior to girls and women, making sexual abuse acceptable. Addressing this is a first step in ending this harmful and cyclical logic. He Kan sparks conversation about toxic masculinity and its repercussions on both boys and girls. Teachers learn to address abuse.
18000 girls will receive knowledge, self-protective skills, and a sense of empowerment. Girls who do not face sexual abuse know that they have worth and learn to speak their mind. If faced with abuse, what they learned provides them with a chance of escaping the situation, having the confidence to tell someone about it, and seeking the care they need. 3000 boys are taught messages of equality to prevent them from becoming abusers, and let them know that they may also be at risk of sexual abuse.
This project has provided additional documentation in a XLSX file (projdoc.xlsx).
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