The Society for Human Development (SHD) will establish one (donations permitting, two) Sewing Centers in Central Punjab, Pakistan to provide an opportunity for rural girls and women to learn a valuable, income-generating skill, enabling them to lead a life of self-reliance and dignity.
Rural Pakistani girls and women usually do not have a dignified source of income which leaves them subject to dependency and even abuse. Many Pakistani rural girls wind up dropping out of school due to the inability to keep up with tuition/school expenses and the necessity of working (usually a menial, very low-paying job) to help put food on the table. Such girls and women are living hand to mouth and are unlikely to reach their potential.
One way of helping girls and women fight this situation is to provide them an income-generating and confidence-boosting skill. The Society for Human Development (SHD) will establish a new Sewing Center for school drop outs in Qadirabad, and, donations-permitting, Jalianwala, two villages in the Central Punjab province of Pakistan. About 25 to 30 girls and women will come to each SHD Center daily for three hours.Each SHD Sewing Center will have twelve sewing machines, each machine costing a $75
The long-term impact of this initiative will be tremendous. The lives of at least 100 girls and women will be changed from poverty and despondency to self-reliance and dignity. The graduates of these SHD Sewing Centres will be empowered and will serve as wonderful role models for other girls and women seeking to escape poverty and subjugation