Project Report
| Aug 30, 2021
3rd report on Sewing Centers
By Bonnie Mendes | Project Leader
Society for Human Development is striving hard to bring a visible change in the lives of women through rights-based and development initiatives. SHD is striving for a society where women do not feel insecure, and where they have a liberty and freedom of expression and can develop themselves without any social and economic obstacles.
Society for Human Development initiated a sewing centre in Ch# 363 J.B Bamniwala Gojra on 7th September 2020 and total 15 girls and women showed their interest and got enrolled in sewing centre. 15 students have completed one year Cutting, sewing and embroidery course . The girls and their families are extremely happy and they call it a huge benefit for themslev.
With the compeltion of the course, the status of these girls among their families have improved significantly as they are now being involved in the decision making and are valued for their contributions to the income of their families. The skilled girls earned a good profit for their families, especially during the time of Eid el Fitr (a Muslim festival). This has also improved the social harmony among the commnities. These skilled girls are excited and are thankful to Society for Human Development for giving them an opportunity to learn and play an important role in their families and society.
The new batch will start their course during the next month. It is a request to all donors to kindly keep supporting in this cause.
Mar 30, 2021
6th report on sewing centers
By Shumaila Javed | Project Leader
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your support and for helping the poor marginalized girls of Distrcit Toba Tek SIngh.Through your support 109 girls are learning the stiching skill in 6 rural areas.
During the Pandemic lockdown, Society for Human Development did not close their sewing centers, because of the request of our community. We requested the teachers to follow the SOPs and to manage the classes in different shifts daily with each shift consisting of 10 girls. By observing the Government's SOPs all the beneficiaries, SHD staff and our remained safe from the virus.
Society for Human Development has also started offering a sewing class for the unskilled and vulnerable women in chak # 363 Toba Tek Singh. The training in these classes is enabling these 30 women to become self-sufficient and to support their families, by stitching clothes for neighbors and relatives. The trainee Women are so excited and thankful to Society for Human Development for giving them an opportunity to learn and play an important role among their families. Due to the pandemic the attendence is low but will improve in the coming days.
- In the sewing center, the classes are conducted regularly and after each month the tests are conducted for the students.
- Society for Human Development Staff regularly visits the center and monitors the students’ progress.
- Girls at sewing centre are now able to stitch clothes and are learning the embroidery work
Dec 2, 2020
5th report on Sewing centers
By Bonnie Mendes | Project Leader
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your support and for helping the poor marginalized girls of Distrcit Toba Tek SIngh.Through your support 109 girls are learning the stiching skill in 6 rural areas.
During the Pandemic lockdown, Society for Human Development did not close their sewing centers, because of the request of our community. We requested the teachers to follow the SOPs and to manage the classes in different shifts daily with each shift consisting of 10 girls. By observing the Government's SOPs all the beneficiaries, SHD staff and our remained safe from the virus.
Women are excited and thankful to Society for Human Development for giving them an opportunity to learn and to help them support their families.
One of the teachers expressed her feeling "In the sewing centres all the young girls and women are from poor families. But all are showing their interest in the training. Through this skill, now they have a source to accomplish or fulfill their dream".