Empower 100 Ghanaian Women through Sewing Skills

by World Inspiring Network
Empower 100 Ghanaian Women through Sewing Skills


This project will provide vocational skills training to poor women in rural parts of Ghana with valuable sewing skills. It will also provide each woman with her own sewing machine and mentorship allowing her to earn a living from home to support her family. The majority of the women in this program are young, single mothers who are struggling to feed their families. The women will undergo an extensive 3-year tailoring course to give them a better tomorrow.

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In Ghana, most women and girls living in rural parts of the country usually do not have proper education, training and a dignified source of income making them more vulnerable to sexual exploitation, including trafficking, abuse and unwanted pregnancies than women in urban areas. Those who experience domestic or intimate partner violence have fewer options to leave violent relationships, due to their lack of income and resources.


World Inspiring Network will empower 100 poor women in rural villages in Ghana with vocational skills training, mentorship, valuable sewing skills, and a sewing machine so they can earn a respectable living and help their families. It will also create jobs and economic opportunities in rural areas. Sewing is a skill that can empower rural Ghanaian women and give them an opportunity to generate an income while boosting their confidence.

Long-Term Impact

The long-term impact of this initiative will be tremendous. The lives of at least 100 girls and women will be changed from poverty and despondency to self-reliance and dignity. The graduates will be empowered and serve as wonderful role models for other girls and women seeking to escape poverty and subjugation.


Organization Information

World Inspiring Network

Location: Sowutuom, Greater Accra - Ghana
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @worldINetwork
Project Leader:
Maxwell Odonkor
Sowutuom , Greater Accra Ghana
$60 raised of $15,000 goal
2 donations
$14,940 to go
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