This is emergency against the spread of Monkey Pox diseases which is endangering Kiwangwa Ward schools here Tanzania.To protect 2000 Students against Monkey Pox which is now emergency in Chalinze District. The spread of disease can be tackled by washing hands and spread education on the ways which transmission is occuring and ways in which patients can be treated.Education will be provided to ensure protection against M Pox spreading.
There are emergency cases of M Pox in Chalinze District, in Kiwangwa Ward Schools, the 2000 students needs to be protected in order to reduce the negative impacts of the disease is now breaking out and it is important to protect students who are prone to acquire M PoX by analysis and minimizing the effects of the disease.
The project is well dedicated in providing 20 boxes of medicated soaps, 10 boxes of fever cooling medicines, 10 boxes of antibiotics for students who may develop bacterial infections, also providing education on how to combat and reduce transmission of M Pox disease.
The potential long-term impacts are; Building knowledge on the ways to avoid the transmission of M Pox spreading to 2000 students, Installing hygienic behaviours yo students and all school workers at Kiwangwa Ward Schools to ensure stopping of M Pox disease.
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