Thousands of refugees seeking safety in the EU are stuck in the Balkans, largely forgotten by the media but still desperately in need of urgent help. The ForRefugees network provides emergency basics to refugees of all ages, all genders, from any country, but as the number of refugees grows so does the pressure on our resources. Donations to our campaign will help us give refugees the things they need right now: food, clothing, healthcare, hygiene items, legal advice - and humanity.
Refugees who have been trying to reach the safety of EU to seek asylum for months, or years, who have walked thousands of miles, who are mentally and physically broken are being forgotten and abandoned in the Balkans. People from Afghanistan for example, many unaccompanied children, who just six months ago the world pledged to help are being forced to survive in scabies infested squats in freezing conditions with no government support while they try to cross into the relative safety of the EU.
We help resource a network of volunteers and grassroots groups (who themselves risk arrest for providing aid), so that network can continue to offer the humanitarian care that helps refugees survive. Our partners provide food and clothes, hygiene packs, first aid, showers, laundry facilities, scabies treatment, and - where possible - legal advice and advocacy. They also show basic humanity and solidarity in a dangerous, hostile world to thousands of refugees in transit every year.
Our long term aim is to provide the much needed funding to allow the small teams of volunteers on the ground to continue doing the amazing, innovative work they do every day. To allow them to be prepared for the large increase of people on the move throughout the region that every summer brings, approximately 2000 per day. We also need to remind the world that these people exist and are having their human rights violated on a daily basis. ForRefugees believes in helping ALL refugees.