Domestic Violence is common in Cambodia. Women often suffer physical, sexual, emotional and economic abuse. Violence is regularly used towards children as a means of discipline and control. Violence is never ok and through support, education, campaigning and ending the silence around domestic violence it can be eradicated. Support us to help Cambodian women and men understand equality, rights, safe communication and how to manage anger through workshops, counselling, campaigns and support.
Research shows in Cambodia 1 in 5 women who have ever been in a relationship, reported having experienced physical and/or sexual violence by an intimate partner at least once in their lifetime, most were likely to suffer repeatedly rather than in one off incidents . Three quarters of these women reported the violence as severe. Rape constitutes 75% of the violent offences against women and children reported to the police. Only half who needed it received health-care. These women need help.
This project will provide funding for WRC to: run an annual city wide campaign focusing on eliminating violence against women and children; provide counselling for women, and men that need support; run workshops on women's rights, women's health, parenting and financial literacy - each of which empowers attendees, reduces the pressures of life, and helps them to find more peaceful means to communicate; and trains and provides community ambassadors to support community members.
The long term impact we hope to see from our activities is: the eradication (or at least reduction) of violence against women and children in Cambodia; safe intimate relationships; safe family relationships; parenting and discipline through non violence means; a better understanding of women's rights and equality for women and men; a cultural change and a recognition that using violence is never ok; more supportive communities all working together to use non violent means of communication.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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