Refugio Rafael in Marquina, Bolivia started in 2017 with an after-school program to support the children of the migrant community whose parents did not have the educational preparation to help their children with homework. As the children and the community have grown, we have recognized the need to help children learn technical skills for the workforce. We believe each person should be able to pursue a field of study that helps them provide for their own and their families' basic needs.
Indigenous families living in the very remote communities of Bolivia's Andes mountains are moving closer to larger cities to find work and improve the educational opportunities available to their children. These opportunities mean that children surpass their parents level of education quickly, and need additional support for everything from basic school supplies and uniforms, to funds for transportation, and technical training outside of regular classes. Without support, children often must work
Each individual child has great potential, and many programs exist within Bolivia to provide training opportunities to both young people and their parents. Sponsorship of 1 child, young person or parent monthly ensures that each person can both continue with educational and training opportunities while still providing for their own and their families' basic needs. It also provides the opportunity for donors to connect more closely with the person they are supporting, as well as the community.
As children, young people and parents improve their skills, they are able to find work that actually covers their basic needs, and to break the cycle of poverty for their children. Individuals and families find satisfaction, confidence and build personal resilience as they develop these skills. While some members of the community may have resources for university level education, the focus of this project is helping to build skills for the workforce, from entrepreneurship to technical skills.
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