Education to Students and Children Under Six Years

by The Odwar Fund
Education to Students and Children Under Six Years
Education to Students and Children Under Six Years
Education to Students and Children Under Six Years
Education to Students and Children Under Six Years
Education to Students and Children Under Six Years
Education to Students and Children Under Six Years
Education to Students and Children Under Six Years
Education to Students and Children Under Six Years
Education to Students and Children Under Six Years
Education to Students and Children Under Six Years
Education to Students and Children Under Six Years
Education to Students and Children Under Six Years


This project will support education of students and children under six years through Early Childhood Development Programs in Kole. Children in villages of Kole do not have access to quality Education & childhood care due to Poverty,Early Marriages & Bad Cultures. Also children are absorbed directly to primary school and they find difficulty in adopting/coping, resulting in dropouts,aggressiveness & poor cognitive development. The OVCs too can not afford school fees and other scholastic materials

total raised
monthly donors


Effects of the over 20 years of war between the LRA & Uganda Government still lingers on. This war led to abject poverty, HIV/AIDS and deaths, leaving large numbers of orphans. Early Childhood Education in Kole is not given priority, this leads to children (3-6 years) joining primary schools directly owing to dropouts, child to child violence, poor cognitive growth & very low transit rate. Girls in Kole drop out of school due to bad cultures of Early marriage,lack of scholastic materials & fees.


The project will support students,pupils and children under six years to attain their education dreams through paying their school fees & providing scholastic materials like pens, books, and sanitary pads. It will also Advocate for the Education of girls through helping parents develop a paradigm shift. It will continue to liaise with the communities & support running of Early childhood centre through providing learning aids & environment where they are stimulated to play, learn and develop.

Long-Term Impact

We want to see students,pupils and children under six supported to access quality Education - a major problem in rural areas. We also want particular families with social & economic disadvantage with children under 6 years to have improved income & food. We want children in the rural areas to have healthier environments to grow up in. Orphans and other Vulnerable Children get quality education while the Study centre will have play kits, learning aids, safe environment to study in.


Organization Information

The Odwar Fund

Location: Lira, Uganda - Uganda
Eddy Morris
Project Leader:
Eddy Morris
Executive Director

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